Aziza Mohmmad

Competition. Seed money. Business plans. Employees. At times starting a business seems like climbing Everest. There is so much to do in a finite amount of time, there are numerous obstacles to success, and more people counting on your failure than survival. But read one of the most inspiring entrepreneurial stories about Aziza Mohmmad, and you'll be looking at your business start-up as a walk in the park.

This courageous entrepreneur has everything going against her (that's right, I said her) but has managed to create a growing, socially responsible company in a place most of us will never visit, let alone start a business. The story is encouraging and reminds us that despite the problems we may encounter along the way, there is always a way to turn them into opportunities and move forward. What can YOU learn from someone who has made it against incredible odds?


Anonymous said…
It was inspiring. Are you going to move to Afghanistan to start up a business, ha,ha..
Unknown said…
Ha ha is right. Not likely but I can't imagine how she does it. Makes my safe suburban existence seem so pale in comparison.
Dr. Bill Emener said…
A couple of thoughts immediately came up on my screen: (1) Kudos to Kat -- I'm proud of you; (2) your next book should be on Time Management; and (3) remember to stop and smell the roses along the way.
Carpe diem,