Call for Change from
Last Tuesday I spent a couple of hours calling people for I'll admit, I was a bit hesitant at first, but after reading that I would only be calling other members, I decided I could do it. I hate spam phone calls as much as the next person, so it was better knowing I was calling actual members. It was a bit of a struggle to get going, but once I was in the swing and crossing people off my list, that felt good. I even got one person to sign up! is making a big push to use the member base to get people out to vote. They are asking volunteers to sign up for the Call for Change effort. I think it's a great program and one that has been lacking on the more liberal side of politics for awhile. The nice thing is no one is calling to have someone change their point of view, just to remind them to get out and vote. is making a big push to use the member base to get people out to vote. They are asking volunteers to sign up for the Call for Change effort. I think it's a great program and one that has been lacking on the more liberal side of politics for awhile. The nice thing is no one is calling to have someone change their point of view, just to remind them to get out and vote.
Google for "" and "anti-Semitism" or even "racism" and you will see what I mean.
Sorry to see you gave even two hours of your valuable time to this organization. The Million Mom March, another George Soros organization, also lied to its followers to get time and money from them.