South Park - Picture Yourself
I only have HappyandBlue2 to thank for this wonderful Tuesday morning diversion. There is a fun little site that focuses on all things South Park. One of the best features of the site is the ability to make your own version of a South Park character. Mine is the picture in this post.
I just learned about it around 9:30 this morning, but already our entire office (of 6 people) has created their own. Highly entertaining. Try it out and pass it along!
See, Happy and Blue 2 suggested you as the link of the day to Dr. John ( who made you his link for today. You will have visitors coming. They will surely have as much fun as we have..Thanks.
Hey! You haven't seen any big ole' Tom Turkey's named Dr. John hanging around on the Blogosphere lately, have you?
Happy Thanksgiving!