Mobile Phone Blogging at

Claiming lets you to do one of two things:
1. Create a new blog that takes posts from your phone.
2. Link your phone posts to an existing blog.
Since I have enough trouble posting to this blog, I figure adding another blog to my list would be one too many. My phone goes with me everywhere, so there is a high likelihood I'll be posting at least pictures. I'm still not comfortable typing long messages using T9.
Try it out, it's a nice addition to the Blogger platform.
TEXT FROM MY PHONE ( highly creative, I know)
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer
While I remain genuinely happy for you and your highly talented technology friends, I have to admit that I sometimes fear that if I ever lost whatever self-discipline I have I would never be able to "get away from the rat race." To wit, I think expectation-management is a key. For example, I frequently tell my colleagues at the university, "I tend to check my university e-mail 24-7, but don't count on it." (And someday there may be 12-step programs for those who don't do such things.)
You make a good point. However, for me I really see it as freedom. If I need to go to the park with my son, instead of "leaving the office", it comes with me. I try to preserve some tech free time of course, but sometimes there is no avoidance of blending life, technology and work. If that means I can work from home, or the grocery store, or the playground and enjoy more of life than if I was stuck in an office all day, I am all for it!