Without Further Ado, I Bring You...The Holiday Itinerary!

Most of you know I don't blog much about my actual family, for fear they search me out to find further evidence of my unstable nature. (Those damn voices in my head that keep telling me to actually express my opinion!) But after sharing this with folks at my office and watching them roll on the floor in laughter, I though I would shake things up for the holidays.

The text below is exactly what was forwarded to me from my in-laws, besides the italics explaining who the people are. The military could not do a more precise job of outlining every minute of a holiday weekend, including exactly when presents will be opened. Heaven forbid we actually have a little spontaneity during a vacation. I'm not sure I could handle it. Hm, I think my husband is mad at me for posting this...Oh Well. Enjoy!


"Here is what we understand is happening for our Christmas celebration.
  • Friday Dec. 22
    • K**** comes home - spending the evening in Mpls with friends
  • Sat. 23rd
    • P***/K***/P***/K***/Mom/Dad (my family & in-laws) go to M***ll for Christmas with Grandpa and relatives.
    • All return to H****son that evening.
  • Sun 24th
    • P***/K***/P*** (my family) return to their home for their Christmas
    • P***/A***/D***/A*** (my brother-in-law, wife, & kids) come to H***son
    • 4:00pm Christmas Mass at St. A’s
    • 6:00pm hors de oeuvres followed by dinner (TBD) followed by games followed by turns in the new spa tub if available.
  • Mon 25th
    • Christmas present opening for D*** and A*** (brother-in-law's kids)
    • 9:30 Christmas morning brunch
      • Bloody Mary
      • Mimosa
      • Crepes w fresh fruit
      • Ham
      • Caramel Rolls
    • 12:00 Eastern time – Cocktails
    • 11:30 Central time – Family begins opening presents
      • Grazing on snacks/hors de oeurves
      • Wild rice soup – mom and dad
      • Roast beef sandwiches – mom and dad
      • Picante dip – mom and dad
      • Assorted other goodies – mom and dad"
Please tell me I am not crazy and that this is a little bit beyond the boundary of "relaxation"? Keep in mind that we all live less than 1 hour away from each other (except one person, who's single and can handle herself just fine). What do you all think?


Anonymous said…
Ha,ha,ha..That's crazy.
If I was you I would wait until the 22nd and send back an email with revisions on it..
Unknown said…
That is a great idea! And would cause quite the uproar. Maybe I'll save that one in my bag of tricks for just when they think I'm becoming normal.
Dr. Bill Emener said…
Hi Kat,
While busily reading to leave early tomorrow morning for a weekend visit with my family (which will probably resemble the craziness you describe), I checked your blog. Glad I did – I’m still laughing; it’s wonderful medicine. Thanks so much for sharing it!
Interestingly, I also have the Holiday spirit. I am planning to add a Post on my blog (drbillsharleywisdom) when I return on Sunday – two days from now. It focuses on “Christmas Family Traditions.”
As you know, I spent 35 years as a practicing psychologist. And while I know that not all the world’s problems are psychological, I do have a residual occupational neurosis – I still tend to look at things through the perspective of a psychologist. Fittingly, I shall comment on your last comment, “Please tell me I am not crazy and that this is a little bit beyond the boundary of ‘relaxation’?" In my view, to a very large extent RELAXATION IS A STATE OF MIND. To wit, if a person’s crazy business facilitates a sense spiritual comfortableness, peace and tranquility – I would say it is relaxing. (Although I would have to add that a glass or two of wine can be helpful.)
I hope Santa treats you well!
Anonymous said…
Well, at least you won't have to think about what to do next for a few days!! My family is so the opposite thank goodness.
Amanda said…
Ugh. That's incredible. My in-laws keep it much simpler. Any and all activities they plan are designed to perfectly mutilate a weekend...How about 1pm on Saturdy? 2 on Sunday? Or they coincide with the nap schedules of our girls which elicit the ineveitable: But are they sick? Why won't they eat or talk? Moving 3000 miles from my own family was just a hop from the frying pan on into a raging fire.