Malathy Badri & Blog Avenues

Thanks to MyBlogLog for introducing me to Malathy Badri and her blog, Blog Avenues. Malathy hails from Madras, Tamilnadu, India, where she is a Maths lecturer. What drew me to her blog on my recent trip through the MyBlogLog blogrolls, was her subject matter, as listed in her blog's description:

"This is a Grand Blog Terminal for Blogging, blog tools, blog promotion, get paid to blog, new blog technologies, free blogs, blog templates, blog hosting, blog directories and blog pinging services."

It's very close to what I blog about here on Wowimo. (Which in case you're wondering stands for "WOman, WIfe, and MOther".) I am continuously amazed by the power of the Internet to connect people halfway around the world so easily. What I like about Malathy's blog are her general blogging tips. Visit her site and learn something new about blogging.

If you like it, as Malathy says, "Pass it on; Share."