Rethinking Your Resume: This Ain't Your Momma's Job Search

The old way: You dusted off your resume, updated a few things, edited past information, fired up your local job website, and maybe emailed a few people you knew.

The new way: You create an attention grabbing resume, an infographic of your background using, share erudite tweets with industry-specific updates, join and contribute to expert groups on, and update your subject matter blog with useful posts.

Are you still with me?

If you are still stuck on the resume part, check out Blue Sky Resumes. They offer resume, LinkedIn profile, and other career building services. What makes their website worth a visit are all the great resources, including their blog, which provide a plethora of information and guidance (all gratis) for those embarking on 21st century job search.

I signed up for their free 6 part resume course, which comes via email. I would highly recommend it. If you sign up, let us know what you think in the comments below. And Happy Hunting!
