Podcast Episode 2 - Sorry Not Sorry!

Episode 2 - Sorry Not Sorry! Power of Transparency Podcast 

Power of Transparency Podcast with Lisa Liberatore and Kat Petersen

Conversations about motherhood, careers, owning a business, and personal relationships.

Today's episode is about finding your balance and owning how you approach your life. Listen as we discuss saying sorry too much, letting go of guilt and 'do-it-all' syndrome, and embracing what works for you! For additional reading on the topics in our podcast, see the links below. 

Podcast Episode 2 - Sorry Not Sorry!



... Apologizing unnecessarily puts women in a subservient position and makes people lose respect for them, says executive coach and radio host Bonnie Marcus. Sylvia Ann Hewlett, founder of the Manhattan-based think tank, Center for Talent Innovation and author of Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Talent and Success, says using “sorry” frequently undermines our gravitas and makes them appear unfit for leadership. ...

... Marcus suggests keeping a log of when you “sorry,” what the situation was, and how you felt. Sometimes, “sorry” is just a verbal tic, but some usage patterns may indicate a situation or person who makes you feel insecure, she says. Being aware of those triggers and how they influence your language can help you be more vigilant in “changing your communication so you’re coming from a position of strength and equality,” she says. ...



We love hearing from our readers and listeners, so please feel free to get in touch!

Katrina@crookedsteeplehall.com and Lisa@poweroftransparency.com

To learn more about Lisa, check out her site, www.PowerOfTransparency.com and stayed tuned for her book, "Power of Transparency", coming out Summer of 2017!

To learn more about me, poke around this website or visit www.crookedsteeplehall.com to learn more about my passion project, Crooked Steeple Hall!
